Link to Missional Community Video
St Aidan’s Waitarere: Holy Communion each week at 9am.
St John’s Ohau: Holy Communion each week at 9.30am.
St Mary’s Levin: No Services being held until further notice.
Thursday lunchtime prayer held in St Mary's Lounge, all welcome
Offspring Playgroup - Tuesday & Thursday 9am-11:30 noon.
Register for Movement online to access up to date information. Movementonline.org.nz
Who are we?
We are a group of ordinary people being family together. We acknowledge that Jesus is the centre of our lives together and we aspire to live by a set of Kawa and Tikanaga or values and practices listed here.
The love of Christ comes before all else. Without Christ nothing makes sense, with Christ all things are possible.
Prayer will lie at the heart of the parish life. It will hold everything together and it will sustain every other activity. We will covenant to pray for each other and for the parish and for our community.
We will always speak well of each other.
We will always believe the best of each other.
Both 'traditional' and 'fresh expressions' of worship are equally valued.
We will be intentional about being a united parish family within the diocese. We show this unity by coming together on occasions and special events to worship, encourage, support and simply spend time with each other.
Our three parish churches; St Mary's Levin, St John's Ohau and St Aidan's Waitarere. See Maps of our locations
email the Parish office at reception@levinanglicanchurch.com
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Please contact the parish office on 06 368 5987 weekdays 8:30-12.
Seasonal celebrations
Christmas, Easter week and Pentecost , also irregular 5th Sundays services - click here for more detail.